Beck's Tour
I went on a tour of Beck’s Brewery. Since it is a working brewery, I was not allowed to take pictures inside the factory, but I was allowed to see it, which was very cool! They started off the tour by showing us the history of the company and what the company is like now. I did not realize that Beck’s was owned by Anheuser-Buschand that the company made over a quarter of the world’s beer. They also showed us the different types of hops that goes into making the different types of beers. They use one type of hops for Beck’s and they use another type of hops for Haake-Beck. I also learned that a lot of the waste that they make is sold to the agriculture industry to be eaten by animals or used as fertilizer. I also learned that the yeast that they use to make their beer is grown in their labs. I cannot remember the exact numbers, but they make a staggering amount of beer in a day. The beer they make there goes to Europe and some of Asia. There are other Beck’s Breweries that go to other continents. After the tour of the production, we went to a tasting room. There, we had Beck’s, Haake-Beck, four new Beck’s flavors, and a beer of our choice. I chose what the tour guide recommended. It was something like the beauty beer (I do not remember the exact translation) because it had some yeast in it which is supposed to be good for your hair and nails). While at the tasting, I talked to a couple who was also on the tour. She was Canadian and living in London, and he was English. They were fun to talk to. He told me about his trips to Florida (to Disney World, of course). She told me about how the US is always mentioned over Canada and how she likes to say she is Canadian and not American. We talked about the world cup and how it is going to be in the US, Canada, and Mexico in eight years. I had a really good time there.