Art Museum
I went to an art museum after my Beck’s tour. It was essentially just down the street and I had not been to an art museum in Bremen yet so I decided to go. This was a modern art museum, which I have very limited experience with and exposure to. Since it was a Thursday, the museum was open for longer hours than other weekdays. I think that since it was a weekday, there were not many people there. I was going to take a tour, but the tour would be conducted in German, so I decided to just explore on my own. This museum was a lot larger than I had originally thought. There were four floors of art installations and each floor was very large. I think that it was laid out in a way that it was hard to get your bearings, but if you kept going forward, you would get back to where you started. It was laid out lake an IKEA. Many of the pieces were time dependent. There was one that (I have a picture of it) was a talk show set up, but there were green masks in the chairs. Every twenty minutes, the “talk show” would start and the screens would give the talk show performance. I think it was about how people are able to hide their identities when on the internet and will say things that they would not say in person or on a talk show. There was also a large face that looked like a Buddha and was made out of dirt as an exhibit. I do not know what that was trying to say, but it looked like the kind of thing that had to have been made there because it could not have been moved. Some of the pieces were just confusing to me, like the piece that looked like black paint spilled on the floor (it was an actual piece because it had a label next to it describing it). I was not sure if I could take pictures of the art, but I did anyway. I think that being able to read German would have helped me to understand the context of the art better, but it was still an interesting experience.